Saturday, August 3, 2013

Starbuck's Porn Alternative!!!

For those of you that have been reading my hair journey, trials and tribulations... I have something a bit different to share with you now !!! Most people that I know have certain addictions . Most of them include having to have that first cup of Joe bright and early in the morning before they can even consider calling themselves a human being fit for functioning in the world. There are so many people that are devoted Starbuckers that I believe that if the company were to ( Goodness Forbid ) dissolve or fail to continue as one of the first coffee cmpanies to dutifully charge on average $5.00 for their brand of caffine induced beverages, I am almost certain that World War 3 - 5 would begin instantaniously!!!

So with that as the basis, I would like to share with you all an experiment that I was allowed to try with the help of THE most Ah Max - zing Barista that I have ever had the pleasure of meeting ... Lady Maddie from the Malibu Starbucks!!!

First of all I am really lactose intolerant. Which translates into not being able to digest dairy products properly. Starbucks has Soy milk as an alternative, BUT ( and I do mean a big But...)soy is not necessarily the most healthy alternative to dairy. There are far more and better choices that both men and women can consume without having to worry about developing cancer or some other life altering disease. There is Almond Milk, Coconut milk, Hemp Milk, Rice Milk, Seven Grain Milk and even Oat Milk!!! There might even be Bamboo milk, but I still have to do research on that one though, but you get the picture!!! Anywho... I am an Almond Milk drinker. So I walked into Starbucks today with the intention of trying to re-create my favorite Chai Creme Frappachino with Vanilla shots, nutmeg, dolce cinnamon and silk's vanilla almond milk!!! NOW... I know what you are thinking !!! "Hey... Starbucks will not blend anything from an outside source in their blenders!!!"... and you are correct. They won't. BUT, what they will do is blend the ingredients that they possess in the blinder, pour it in a cup, and hand it over to you. What you add to the cup is totally up to you. You could sprinkle a little crack in there if that's what you are into ( mind you, you're probably gonna wanna keep that underwraps while the Barista's are working and there are customers in the store... I'm just saying!!! )

In my case, I asked Lady Maddie if she could blend a Grande portion size of chai mix, ice and shots of vanilla. I even had my treat receipt ready for the occasion. And get this... she tells me " I'm not even going to charge you for this because there is no way that I can figure out how to type this into the computer." CAN WE SAY SCCCCOOOORRRREEEEE??? Yes... we most certainly can.

So she pours the chai mixture, ice and shots of vanilla in there. Then added the nutmeg and dolce cinnamon straight into the blender. She mixed it extremely well. And then poured the mixture into a Vente cup to give me room to pour the single serving of Silk almond Milk in the same cup.I poured it in, and mixed it well with at straw. The end result.... this was quite possibly the best beverage that I have ever had at starbucks in my entire existance on this planet!!! It was uber delicioso!!!So yeah!!! My experiment was a success plus tax!!! So, the next time you are thinking about experimenting with you Starbucks beverage of choice... ask your barista if you can work together to come up with an acceptable work around the no blending of outside elements policy!!!

Well, that is all I have to share for the time being!!! I hope you enjoyed my true life story!!! Til the next time !!! Adios Mi Amigos!!! (^_^)

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